Saturday, July 30, 2016


Mibabas. This is a Kadazan word that means 'to make peace' with someone we have hurt or when a person who has hurt us makes amend for what he or she has done. It is a way of saying, "I am sorry for hurting you and here is my peace offering as a sign that I am truly sorry."

The peace offering may be a chicken, a pig or a buffalo. The peace offering is determined by the village headman. In the absence of a headman, the norm is followed. This raises the question of what the norm is. The norm in one village or community may differ from that of another village or community. In reality, the seriousness of the wrong determines the type and size of the peace offering. The peace offering is called 'sogit' in Kadazan.

Sogit comes from the word 'osogit' which means cold. The sogit is intended to cause the enmity or antagonism between two people or two groups to cool down. It is believed that the sogit will ward off any bad luck or any untoward incident that may harm the one who caused the wrong.

However, sogit is also offered when something that is a taboo or prohibited occur. For example, a man may have molested someone's wife or daughter. Here the sogit is over and above the penal punishment and / or fine meted out by a court of law.

In the case of a serious offence, only a buffalo will suffice as the sogit. The animal peace offering has to be slaughtered and shared among the people of the village. The buffalo meat (or pork) will be distributed among the villagers. It is believed that by doing this, any calamity that may befall the village will be prevented. When a serious wrong is done, it is believed that it makes the village 'hot' ('ahasu' in Kadazan) meaning it is under some kind of curse.

Peace loving people may like this
Any person who values peace between people or between communities may love this native custom of mibabas and giving sogit.

But an increasing number of Kadazan refuse to adhere to this native custom. Society's values have changed due to outside influence. The world has become smaller because of enormous progress in the way people communicate as the result of great advances in technology. And the younger generations are susceptible to such influences because they were born in this technological age and are technology-savvy. Being constantly bombarded with values alien to their people, many refuse to follow the native norm.

In the past, a man would have to pay sogit if he held the hand of a woman who was not his wife. This was taboo. Because of changing values, one will often see a man holding the hand of a girl or woman without any fear of any sogit. You may even see a man and a woman hugging each other in public. And very often nothing will happen until the girl or woman becomes pregnant. And even then, leniency seems to be the rule of the day. Sometimes, the sogit will never be given and there is nothing that the parents of the girl can do.

It appears that sogit is losing its influence. There may come a time when it is totally considered irrelevant.When that time comes, people will come to appreciate the importance of the 'sogit' and 'mibabas.'

Created: July 27, 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016

PLEASE Don't Undermine the Dignity of Kadazans

In days long gone, there was this place where people call themselves "Kadazan". However, the Bruneis who took the liberty to claim the land as their own called these people "Dusun" because they saw that these people worked in farms, tilling the land and planting rice, fruits and vegetables.

This place was Papar. Owen Rutter ("The Pagan Tribes of North Borneo", 1929) confirmed that these local people had always called themselves "Kadazan" long before the British came. Papar still exists today and the descendants of the original Kadazan live there to this very day. With the rise of nationalism among the people, the name "Kadazan" was adopted wholeheartedly by the "Tangaah" of Penampang and the surrounding villages.

With this new development, Kadazan was chosen as the language for the first local radio broadcast. Kadazan was taught in Native Voluntary Schools that were established in the 1960s. There were the Kadazan Cultural Association (KCA) and Koisaan Komuhakan Kadazan Sabah (KKKS). There was also the United National Kadazan Organization (UNKO) renamed later as United Pasok-Momogun Kadazan Organization (UPKO).

Now, there are the Kadazan-Dusun Cultural Association (KDCA), formerly KCA, the Kadazan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), UPKO (United Pasok-Momogun Kadazan Organization, Kadazan Society Sabah (KSS) and other organizations that are much smaller. And there is the Kadazan Chair at UMS.

Do not make a mistake that may prove costly
MNC (Momogun National Congress) proposed to use "Momogun" for three groups of  natives, namely, the Dusunic, Paitanic and Murutic groups of people, thereby conveniently subsuming Kadazan under Dusunic. Based on Sabah Tourist Association list, Paitan is classified under Kadazandusun. Murut is in a separate grouping.

KDCA had already made known its stand that the agreed name is 'Kadazandusun' and will not accept 'momogun'. KDCA had issued a press statement on this. Why must KDCA agree to a proposed name that was very recent whereas the name 'Kadazandusun' adopted in the 1960s - affirmed by KDCA Congress in 1989 - has been proven as acceptable to the native people comprising of more than thirty tribes? Why must MNC open the wounds of old between the two camps of Sabahan natives, namely, the Kadazan and Dusun? Who will gain from any renewed rivalry?

Refrain from repeating the mistake of the past. Many of the things that the natives enjoy now were the results of the hard work and dedication of certain Kadazan leaders. Let us acknowledge the important contribution of Kadazans.

This is not to deny that natives, whether Kadazan or Dusun, are way behind other races in many areas including in the economic field. But when someone says that the 'momogun' (to use MNC's proposed name for these people) are weak or disunited politically, surely it is not the ordinary Kadazan or Dusun who caused the disunity but leaders. When people say that the 'momogun' lag behind other races in business, who is to be blamed? Why didn't 'momogun' leaders do something concrete and practical for their people for the past fifty years? Why did elected 'momogun' representatives forget the pledges they made during political campaigns? Why didn't all of these leaders support KDCA's educational objectives so that 'momogun' students could be sent to study in universities overseas?

The ordinary 'momogun' is not expecting to be given financial handouts every month to send their children to school, college or university. They just want to be given opportunities to get affordable loans, perhaps soft loans, for various purposes. They just need opportunities to earn an extra ringgit in order to make ends meet.

Further to this, why must a people burn a house that is still strong and only needs innovative improvements? Which people in the world do not want to succeed financially? Which race in the world do not want to be united, to be respected and accorded due recognition, to progress and prosper? Which people in the world do not aspire to have some degree of control over events that have a bearing on their future and, thus, determine their destiny as a people?

It takes years to build a people. It takes only one mistake to undo everything good gained so far. Native leaders cannot afford to make that mistake. If changes are indeed needed, these need to be studied in depth before proceeding further. 

Note: This blog is not meant to belittle the noble aims of MNC and its leaders.
First created on July 7, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

KADAZAN: My People, My Race

This blog is an explanation of the Theme of the Blog "Kadazan: Tuhun Ku, Tinau Ku".

This blog tries to explain who these people calling themselves "Kadazan" are. This name refers specifically to the native people who live within the region between Penampang-Nosoob and Papar.

This name is combined with "Dusun" to give a general meaning that refers to all Kadazan and Dusun people.

In the past, the British colonialists named these people "Dusun" after the Brunei "orang dusun" which means people of the orchards. Official (British) documents stated that the people who live within the said region were "Dusun". But these people continued to call themeselves as "Kadazan". Owen Rutter made this very clear in his 1929 book.

Kadazan was used in Radio Sabah broadcast starting 1956. The problem seemed to be that the Kadazan personnel at Radio Sabah failed to take the Kadazan Language to a higher level. There was a reason for this. There were very few educated Kadazans at that time, what more having college education. The colonial government had little interest in helping to develop the language because of the perception that there would be little financial return. The British Chartered Company was established for one and one purpose only. Commercial gains!

Disunity seems to dog Kadazandusuns. To prevent disunity from getting worse, the people agreed on the group name "Kadazandusun"  which comprise of both Kadazans and Dusuns. This classification include more than thirty tribal groups including the Paitanic tribes.

Now, a ripple is threatening to divide them. Again! May those involved ask who will gain from disunity among themselves. Those who belong to groups other than Kadazan and Dusun should refrain from interfering in the affairs of Kadazan-Dusun.

This blog will say more on this and other matters in future.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kada Kovudutai!

Kada kovudutai nunu abal kahabus id kalatas abal. Kada do tuutulus do otumbazaan dii. Maan soizuko poguhu do maganu katatapan do otopot toi ko ovudut ii. Kivaa noboos do himo no piatus (5%) katapatan mantad nunu ii kohombus id kalatas abal. Ogumu 'panantaman'. Ogumu 'kaka'. Ogumu 'dati'. Ogumu 'atag'. Ogumu itia om ihia. Kodimpot do tavan!

Internet? Sahagi do websait dii nointutunan do ogumu ii poinsuat do otopot om kavasa nogi do otumbazaan. Aiso kaanu magampa do atus piatus (100%) do otopot toi kotunud. Nung kivaa sisimba di nunu nokosuat, kogumuan dii do pomusaavan toi topiipiumanan. Kivaa di sumimba toi mongomi miampai do ohodong, magaagasab, mongintiti toi popoimamang. Tagal basaon ii. Tagal do simbaon toi manaak komi. Momiubat timpu. Mogium gagut. Okuudi toi aiso katapatan kogumuan dii. Kada kovudutai!

Whatsapp? Naa, iti no ii kazangat kozo do tuhun do baino - kaampai tuhun Kadazan - omuhok, otuutuo toi tanak po. Mositi do kivaa smartphone - telefon topulokis - mooi do kaanu momoguno do whatsapp. Usin vagu, koni? Doiho no do magavi do timpu. Kivaa dii mitanud do mooi akan. Songian nopo do ko-iikau, tuutulus do pohobuson dioho ii telefon tapagon om mintodos no kozo dii. Om songian do kopongudal nunu akanon om inumon, gumuhi vagu do mintodos. Okudi pibaasan. Noubasanan nodii. Piombohutan id soibau noopo. Tah! Avasi telefon nga kahasa momoguno.

Nunu ii pisimbaan doid whatsapp kopogovit doid kohohodong om pigagutan. Humiput nodii o kaka om kagazo haal songian kivaa di obokuti om oubas do popoubau. Nunu bakaang di tavasi kopogovit doid kalaatan. Dadi, kada kovudutai saviavi ii poinsuat toi kohombus maza do whatsapp.

Tuhun ii Noubas Momudut
Otopot do kivaa tuhun do miaga diti. Au dati oihaan do ingkaa ula-ula do tuhun dii do insan toi induvo nga kivaa timpu do kointahang do ovudut o tuhun dii. Isoh nopo dii popointahang do momumudut o tuhun dii nga misuvai nunu maan dau mantad di boos dau. Indama dati tuhun dii do popiipiuhan nunu ii koimaan disido nung okito do suvai ii mantad nunu ii noboos disido.

Modihiu mantad tuhun dii. Nung iziau oontok do kovuduatan dii, avasi do maan poimbuhazo nunu ii otopot. Kivaa dati do sisimba do tuhun dii ii kaanu mogovit doid koukatan tagazo. Tagal nodii do tumangkangau tuh nokohombus nu no ii katapatan.

Dadi, pisosoou no dotokou: Kada kovudutai!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Voos Tuhun ii Nokoimbuhai id Nuhu Nabahu, KA

Notigagang tuhun do nokokito, ka, do voos ii okito doid vatu id iso himunduk id Nuhu Nabahu pungaanan do St. John's Peak (Himunduk do St. John). Nung au zou kahasa, St. John nopo diti nga ii Sir Spencer St. John, songuhun mantad di upisol takavas do British id North Borneo. Miaga do minimang soibau ii voos tuhun mantad saahom di vatu, ka dati topimanan do vookon.

Nokuo tu notigagang? Ogumu dati momusoou do sabap no do noguzu o Nuhu Nabahu do nokoimbuhai o voos diti doid vatu. Kivaa dati ii kakaal avakas kotumbazaan doid kopizo - superstitious, ka do Onggilis - om otumbazaan do kivaa dati kaantakan do mikot do tiinu.

Kada daa do adadi doid isai-sai do mamalati do mositi no do kivaa dii au avasi do aantakan.

Kivaa dati kuminam popionit do kinaantakan di guminuzu o Nabahu miampai do kinaantakan diti. Miho do aantakan iti sabap kivaa ii otumbazaan do sabap no do minimbulagoi o piipio tuhun topuak id dampa do Nuhu Nabahu do guminuzu o Nabahu. Otopot do au koontok do minimbulagoi o tuhun tutumombuhui ngaavi diti. Nunu nimaan dioho au otoimo do tinimungan mamasok do doiti. Nga kivaa kointahangan do suvai ii nontodonon do tana guminuzu dii.

Kivaa upisol polinta minoboos do doiho no haid ii voos dii. Poguhu naantakan ii guminuzu o Sabah om Nuhu Nabahu, doiho no haid o voos dii. Atahang iti songian do mimang tonob o tadau. Nga mintong nogi koozuvan do tavan.

Dadi kada tokou pokinongou toi tuutulus otumbazaan nunu ii kahabus id kalatas abal, toi 'social media' kokomoi do konunu ahal kaampai no ahal diti. Au kapanaak do nununu kounalan toi kavasian nung ingkaa tokou. Opudson dati o pomusaavan dotokou om kopogovit doid koumbakan do kohidasan.

Sontob ii otumbazaan doid Minamangun kada no daa kopusou songian koongou toi koiho do kaantakan do miaga diti. Om kada no kotumbazaai ngaavi dii.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Penampang sabaagi Kinoizonon ii Kagazat do Omboon

Penampang om kampung ngaavi id kinoizonon diti ogingo. Ii po ontok di kohizudai o Penampang om talun-alun ngaavi nga okito do ogingo do okito mantad id savat. Ingkaa no kozo ontok di hizud di kavavagu gisom do nadadi do tanda salip ii talun-alun ii minibaagi do apat id biizungon Siga id Donggongon. Gisom do kivaa tuhun kiugama suvai do au naanangan do nokokito di salip.

Nunu ngaavi ii kagazat id Penampang?

Bavang Moyog
Nung songuhun ko di aanangan do mimpanau id dahabus kakadazan, koontok diau o Bavang Moyog. Kivaa do tagal id Bavang Moyog mooi do kogumu om kagazo o sada ngaavi do doiho om suvai po mogiigizon id vaig. Buazo po nga kivaa do nokokito, ka, di au ahaid gisom baino. Tumininda ii doid disan bavang do mooi pogunsidang. Om dati do mogiigium nunu ii aakan dii. Mantad di poguhu po do kivaa do buazo id Bavang Moyog. Piipio toun nakatahib, somboos-boos o vookon tuhun do kivaa buazo nokohuos, ka, mogiigizon doid baagizan Bavang Moyog ii kavaza do Monsopiad. Kivaa nogi susuzan do zi inai ku ii poingizon id disan bavang id Kodundungan do nimaan daa gazato do buazo songian maamaso momupu poinsakai gakit.

Panambazangan Tinoodo Mantad Vatu
Nung aanangan ko mintong do hinominon haahaid ii kivaa susuzan, Panambazangan do Sangti Michael Penampang no ii koontok montok diau. Notimpuunan do monoodo do Panambazangan diti poguhu do Pisangadan Vinoun Ko-2. Nokotood monoodo dii sabap no do pisangadan om nopongo di kotingkod pisangadan. Vatu kozo ii nimaan gunoo do monoodo dii, vatu tokodou kozo pungaanan do pampang ii nimaan putuho om ovito mantad Nuhu Dambai. Kakaal do nuhu diti, ii okito id dampa di Sunsuzon Dambai do baabaino.

Pongumaan Paai
Agazo haid pongumaan paai id Penampang di poguhu. Osima o tuhun Kadazan id Penampang do paai. Kogumuan dioho do au momohi do paai toi vagas tu kivaa paai sondii. Sabap no do agazo pananaman paai di poguhu do kivaa piipio tuhun do minomohi do enjin monutu paai. Iso nopo diti nga id somok kozo di Sunsuzon Dambai. Nokoongoi zou nogi pokitutu do paai do doiho miampai di Ina ku. Nohiivan ku iisai ngaan di sanganu di injin monutu dii.

Hamin nodii pointanom id tana ngaavi do Kadazan do doiti. Kivaa dioho ii pinapadagang do tana kumaa do moniniaga. Kivaa nogi ii nanu do polinta o tana montok panaadaan hinominon kadai. Kivaa nogi ii noduung do pinapasaga do maan tuidangai do hamin o tana. Natagak tana dioho. Tou nung noonuan do hamin ponokogatang di tana.

Doodoiho po Kodundungan kivaa do pananaman do paai do baino. Oniini no ii. Tou songkuo hinaid do tumaan o sanganu do au papadagang dii tana dioho. Noboos do songuhun montili Polinta Sabah do ii pongumaan paai no haid o kagazat do tuhun do mooi tombuhui Penampang, ka. (The Borneo Post, June 20, 2016). Kosiisian!

Hamin Bangkavan, Monsopiad
Na, okonko doiho no Sarawak do kivaa hamin ii kivaa poinggini id dindud hamin o bangkavan. Doiho Sabah, doiti id Penampang, po nga kivaa.

Nung tuhun ko di katama, ongoi no intong. Au osodu ii mantad Donggongon. Tou iisai dii mintamong dii sabap do aino no ii mohoing ii sanganu om mintamong dii.

Datuk Peter Mojuntin Square
Nung mooi ko doid Donggongon, kada tahibai ii singizanak di Tgk Datuk Peter Joinod Mojuntin. Id dumbangan do iso mantad di apat vavazaan tagazo do Megalong Mall o singizanak dii. Agazo om alanggou ii, poimsumpak id sinassavat do vatu simin.

Au po nataandak o kinoizonon dii. Miaga koh au songkuo otoina. Doiho haid id suang do ponimungan do taih Donggongon ii. Minonuat itia sonsuat diti do induvo ko intohu dati dii kumaa Majlis Daerah Penampang do koontok do poundohion o  poizanan do singizanak dii. Avasi nogi gia tu notumbozo do Upisol Penampang ii sogu miaga diti. (Kivaa dati mommusooi, "Magampa o tuhun diti," ka. Nga avasi mooi pokiiho doid id Dupis Penampang.)

Nga nokito ku di baino (June 21, 2016) do kivaa duvo hinamin-hamin ziing do doiho dikud di singizanak dii. Kisuat do: "Kios Penjaja" ka. Nookuo tu maan poizanai do konunu do miaga diti id somok do Square diti? Maan nogi daa pogingoho ii. Koni?

Megalong Mall
Megalong Mall toi Hinominon Padagangan Tagago Megalong no ii iso hinominon ii miho komozon do vagu po. Kivaa do supermarket, kivaa kadai akanan, ogumu kadai papadagang basaan om kadai saloon. Kivaa piipio kadai momugus. Kivaa nogi nogi kadai montok terapi himbata. Om au nogi oduanan kadai papadagang do buuk om kakamot ngaavi montok do papavakas kotumbazaan poin-Kristian. Kivaa do duvo kadai papadagang buuk toomod kaampai no buuk padagangon mahik. Kivaa duvo kadai papadagang buuk om kakamot doun Kristian. Om iso kadai ii papadagang buuk toomod, buuk doun Kristian om nogi kakamot doun Kristian.

Songian do opongo o hinominon do ITCC (International Technology & Commercial Centre), adadi iti do iso po vagu ii kagazat do tuhun do mikot doid Penampang. Kivaa do kadai id hinominon tagazo diti, kivaa hintuun akanan tagazo om kivaa nogi izonon (hotel).

Kivaa kahansanan do mimang kozo gazo o kakadazan Donggongon sabap no dii Pan-Borneo Highway ii kavaza do Penampang. Mimang no daa tounda o tuhun mamasok hohobi no Kadazan do mampazat doid kobuu-on montok sondii, paganakan om tinau.

Mambasa hobi ginumu susuzan kokomoi Penampang DUTIA (HERE)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Huguan Siou om Poniikoon do KDCA

Nunu pisuvazan do Huguan Siou om Poniikoon do KDCA? Kavasa naku do kivaa pi-aavan do nindiikonon do Huguan Siou? Om kavasa naku do kivaa humavan do ningkokoton do Poniikoon do KDCA?

Huguan Siou
Kivaa boos do songuhun huguan ii nopihi do dumadi do "HUGUAN SIOU" mongigit dii do sohinaid do numpaasan disido. (Id boos do Onggilis (English), Huguan Siou kikomozon do "Paramount Chief".

Komozon nopo diti nga kavasa do kivaa huguan id siibo do Huguan Siou, miaga do Huguan Siou Tomuhok. Duuduvo ningkokoton diti do okonko poinhongkod id politik nga id kotumbazaan do saviavi tuhun momoomogun Sabah (KDM Sabah natives) doid tuhun ii pinoigit do kalaja tagazo tonggungan dii.

Kivaa kotumbazaan do songian nopo do au nodii kaanu ii huguan ii nopihi sabaagi do Huguan Siou do papapanau kalaja dau sabap no do au ohidas, nga noikot no timpu do mogium songuhun huguan ii pogontion dumadi do Huguan Siou. Pointantu nogi do oidu o kopatutan (hak) do huguan dii do poin-Huguan Siou nung kivaa ii maan disido ii kadaandangan do tonggungan disido sabaagi do Huguan Siou. Sabaagi tiuvan, maganu isido do haang ii koopogovit komungkangan do tuhun dau om do mimang zozop sabaagi isido tinimungan tuhun ii apatut do atampasi id Pogun Sabah diti.

Nga ingkuo do papataam do songuhun Huguan Siou ii au mimang hapas songian do kivaa kaantakan do miaga ngaavi diti? Kaanu naku o KDCA do papahapas disido? Kaanu naku o huguan ngaavi KDM mongundi do papagabas disido mantad nindiikonon dau sabaagi do Huguan Siou?

Koontok do ihoon iti om okonko mindad gisom kivaa kaantakan.

Kokomoi di Huguan Siou Tomuhok, okonko kikomozon do kituddu iti do popomungkang ningkokoton di Huguan Siou nga monokodung disido.

Pisuvazan Pomusaavan
Kivaa songuhun minoboos do ningkokoton toi gaa nopo do 'Huguan Siou' nga poinsanganu do iso paganakan Kadazan id Penampang, ka. Kusai nopo di poinsandang do gaa diti nga' mimang osiou om katama do mamatai do gagut dau miampai momoguno do ilang. Boos nopo nga ogumu nigitan do tuhun diti. Balangasan om bongkulitan isido. Tumanud do tuhun diti do au koontok do nakataak o gaa diti kumaa di okonko sinakagon do tuhun ii kigaa do Huguan Siou.

Opiumanan ku do okonko au' asaga tuhun ii minoboos diti do nadadi do Huguan Siou zi Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan nga' do gaa nopo diti nga nakagamu do numpaasan do tuhun suvai om au koontok do songuhun Kristian do migit do gaa diti.

Kivaa dati komi do suvai kokomoi do ahal diti.

Naamot diti, ii nopo ii apatut do kivaa nga do humabus ngaavi daa o huguan Kadazandusun ii opulokis om do kobuu daa kozo o tootoinaon do KDCA.

KDCA: Kadazandusun Cultural Association